Friday, November 11, 2016

July 1961 – General Gillmore Article in the Chronicle – Part 1

In honor of the dedication of the Ohio Historical Marker last weekend, here's a pretty nice article about General Quincy A. Gillmore that ran in the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram back in July 1961.

It was part of the celebration in 1961 surrounding the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. (I used to wonder why the Peanuts characters were wearing Civil War kepi caps in some of the early 1960s comic strip paperback reprints.)

Anyway, the well-written C-T story is first of a two-part series on Gillmore for that paper.

Interestingly, the photo used in the story was courtesy of a third cousin of Quincy Gillmore that was still living in Elyria at the time.


  1. The Chronicle Telegram article brought back memories of High School. The Civil War Centennial was just starting during my junior year, and was a common topic in the American History class. At the time The Chronicle Telegram's Don Miller published numerous articles in the paper covering Lorain County in the Civil War. His articles would focus on what the various Lorain County soldiers, or units, were doing on that day 100 years ago. I found the articles extremely interesting, and they went a long way in sparking my interest in the Civil War.

    The Ohio Historical Society also published a number of booklets that focused on Ohio in the Civil War. These were sent to schools for distribution, and covered many interesting civil war topics. I still have the ones that were passed out in history class.

  2. Dan, I'm Jim Jablonski, the current president of the Quincy Gillmore Civil War Round Table. I placed this Gillmore photo from the
    C-T on my Facebook page. I hope that was appropriate - I gave full credit to your wonderful blog and suggested that others check it out. I am just now becoming familiar with it through the encouragement of Matt Weisman. I would very much like to have further contact with you.

    Jim Jablonski

    p.s. It would be much better to email me at rather than the address given below.

  3. Peggy saved a great many of those articles written through the years, aged and yellowed with time - we turned them over to the Lorain County Historical Society , some were in very delicate condition . Diane is still going through some of the back newspapers and magazines Peggy had.
