Monday, October 24, 2016

Welcome to Lorain Sign – October 1949

Here’s a nice photo of the impressive sign that the Lorain Chamber of Commerce erected where State Route 611 meets West Lake Road (U. S. Route 6) at the undercut. The photo ran in the Lorain Journal on October 28, 1949.

The Welcome sign in Sheffield Lake
It was one of two “Welcome” signs erected by the Chamber at the eastern and western approaches to the city.

The other one (at right) was located well inside the Sheffield Lake city limits, rather than being erected near Root Road. This resulted in a controversy in November 1950 (which I wrote about here).

Anyway, the signs provided a nice snapshot of the city’s industrial strength at that time. American Ship Building, National Tube and the Lorain Telephone Company get featured billing.

The various fraternal groups and their meeting times and locations are also posted, with the Pueblo and the Antlers Hotel doing the hosting duties.

I think these signs are still a good marketing idea in the 2000s. They’re the only chance a city has to establish an identity and impression of their own choice with motoring visitors.

How about it, Lorain?


  1. Maybe if Lorain had a Chamber of Commerce, things wouldn't be so depressing. The Lorain County Chamber of Commerce does ZILCH for the city of Lorain. Little Vermilion and Amherst have their CofC...and at least their downtown's are busy.

  2. In the 70’s and early 80’s I lived on Root rd less than a mile from where the sign was, never knew about it before. Luv your blog!
