Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lorain Gets Ready for School – September 1956

Here’s a photographic look at Lorain getting ready for the start of the school year 60 years ago this month.

It’s a full-page of photos with a back-to-school theme showing teachers, school officials and students that ran in the Lorain Journal back on September 1, 1956.

There are plenty of names that might ring a bell with my readers. Here’s a roll call of the people in the photos:

Students include: Janet and Joyce Vick of 3343 Reid Avenue; Bonnie Rae Leatherman of 3455 Reid Avenue; Janet and Tom Stafford of 2319 Cleveland Blvd.; Lorain High students Dennis Ferrence, Lenore Anthony, Barbara Beck and Walt Bandersky.

Larkmoor custodian Michael Gidich is featured.

Principals include: Larkmoor Principal P. W. Ryan and his secretary Kitty Sheen; Lorain High Principal Ralph Holder.

Larkmoor School Librarian Bertha Pekare and her friend Mrs. Pauline Rodgers appear in one photo.

There’s only one teacher shown in the photos, but I’m glad the photographer chose her. That's because a decade later, she was my first grade teacher at Masson Elementary. I immediately recognized her without even reading the caption.

She’s identified as Miss Anita Duskey in the photo, but she had a brand new name by the time I became a member of her class.

We’ll learn more about her – and her cousin – tomorrow!

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