Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Back-to-School Harry’s Men’s Wear Ad – Sept 2, 1954

I’m sure most older Lorainites remember Harry Levine and his iconic Harry’s Men’s Wear store on Broadway. (I did a post on the store’s 1950 Grand Opening here that included some details about the man behind the store.)
Well, above is an ad for Harry’s with a Back-to-School theme that ran in the Lorain Journal on September 2, 1954 – 62 years ago this month. It’s an interesting ad that’s firmly rooted in its time. 
The ad copy is written in that 1950s beatnik-style way of talking that was just gaining a foothold in the American lexicon about then. Next to a caricature of Harry dressed as a bell-ringing school teacher (complete with mortarboard) the headline reads, “Dig Who’s Doing the Ringing – It’s That Crazy, Mixed-up Prof From Harry’s Men’s Wear.”
The ad also mentions a store appearances by Lorain disk jockey Kenny Vincent, who will be “spinning the latest platters,” and Jackie “Isle of Capri” Lee.
Wondering what Jackie Lee’s 1954 popular rendition of “Isle of Capri” sounded like? Well, here it is! It’s pretty cool, man.


  1. What are "fingertipsters"?

  2. That’s a good question! I Googled it in anticipation of someone asking, but was unable to come up with an answer! I’m hoping someone recognizes this apparently obscure term!

  3. I googled it too and couldn't find anything!

  4. I’m wondering if it refers to those women’s gloves that are open on the ends? Harry’s ad seems to indicate he had some ladies items. Whatever they are, they came in a lot of styles for Harry to have "a complete line" of them!

  5. My parents went out with the Levine's almost every weekend, and I was frequently at his store. Amazing stuff. Jordan DelMonte
