Thursday, August 18, 2016

Peck’s Cottages – Part 4

I had real difficulty getting a nice “now” shot of the above postcard showing the Peck store with the cottages in the background. The weather comically conspired to make my task difficult each time I drove out towards Vermilion to get my photo.

Even though it was sunny in Sheffield Lake, by the time I got to the former Peck’s, it was either raining or overcast. This happened twice.

On another attempt, the weather was again crummy when I arrived. So I kept on going towards Huron, hoping the weather would change. It did, and got sunny – so I turned around and roared back towards my destination at “ramming speed" – only to find that it was overcast again. Sigh.

Eventually I got this shot (below).

By the way, the large building in the photo is now called “the Cafe.”

Here’s a view of the cottages behind it.
Remember the vintage Peck’s postcard of the pool that I posted yesterday (below)?

Although it’s just a memory now, you can still see it near Lake Road in this outdated aerial view. Hey, wha' happened to the trees?
Hope you enjoyed this look back at Peck’s Cottages. 


  1. After seeing the Bing Maps photo of Pecks, I was wondering if you will do a piece on the property next door,to the west. Bill N

  2. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for posting that link! I had forgotten that the Waterwood Estate (the well-known mansion of the man who invented the drop ceiling) was right next door to Peck's Cottages.

  3. Thanks for sharing this. My grandparents took us there a few years in the early 70’s . I remember playing in the “baby pool” and how I learned to swim in the “big pool” when our mom promised to come get us as we jumped off the diving board (but she didn’t). Running barefoot over the white rocks to go to the store for lunch or just some gum balls. Wonderful memories for a city girls from Detroit.

  4. My family ran the cottages from around 57 to 75. Great great great way to grow up! Thanks for the memories!!

  5. Greg…..I think you were there my last summer. I believe my grandparents were friend of your parents. I may have an old photo of you. Hope you are well! Bobbi (Phil Heider was my g-pa)
