Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cicco's Tavern Part 4

Vintage postcard of Cicco’s Tavern in its heyday.
Note the tall chimneys; they were all that was left after the fire
Carolyn Stringer, granddaughter of Louis and Edith Cicco, owners of Cicco’s Tavern, provided me with some photos of the tragic December 1958 fire that consumed her family's business. As you will see from the photos, the entire building shown on the postcard above – both the one story portion with CICCO’S on the roof as well as the connected multi-story house – were destroyed.
Today, the neighbor's house next door to Cicco’s Tavern – seen in the post-fire photo above – still stands (below) as a landmark of where the tavern was located.

 Here’s a closer look at the neighboring house (below) to compare with the black and white photo.

Next: Lewis Cicco passes away


  1. Hi Dan,
    I generally read your blog on a daily basis every workday morning. I know you are a Sheffield Lake resident. It would be fitting this week to write about the history of Community Days. I thought this blog was about Lorain County. I will continue to read, but I find it rather odd that we are reading about Huron this week.

  2. Thanks for the observation and I hope you continue to read. I'm not always able to tie in the blog's content with what is going on locally, especially if I don't have any specific new research prepared. (As this is just a hobby done in my spare time, it is difficult trying to do anything at all 5 days a week.)

    In the case of Community Days, I don't know much about its origin. The Huron and Vermilion topics are still an offshoot of a Vacationland theme I started a few weeks ago. Sorry to disappoint you! I'll see if I have any unused Sheffield Lake stuff in my archives.

  3. Dan,
    I really enjoy your articles about the surrounding community's
    Gives your readers a broader sense of the area.
    By the way there is nothing at all for you to be sorry about because I figure just about all of your readers appreciate your work no matter what the subject is.

  4. Hi Bob! Thanks for the kind comment – it is fun to "hit the road" and wander into neighboring counties sometimes. Hopefully there is something of interest for everybody if they wait long enough. I have a few one-shots coming up while I try to decide what to get into next. I still have an embarrassing backlog of long overdue local topics that need to be organized and written up (although I can happily say that the Pueblo is no longer one of them).

  5. Hi Dan,
    I posted the first comment about you posting about Community Days. It has been on my mind since I posted it. I want to extend my SHEEPISH and most Humble apology to you. I was way out of line. You do this as a courtesy for our reading pleasure. Just know that I really enjoy your blog, and still visit every week day. Keep doing what you are doing. Again, I'm sorry for my earlier rant.

  6. Gosh, no need to apologize – it was a point well taken. I'm kind of unorganized and I missed another Sheffield Lake topic this week: Camp Week at the 103rd O.V.I.! Believe me, any feedback or comments are always appreciated (that means people are taking the time to read) and yours reminded me that readers have certain expectations.

    I'm all over the place topic-wise (this week is a good example) but hopefully I can find time this weekend to prepare some more ambitious series. So thanks again for taking the time to comment!

  7. Well I felt bad, and wanted to say so. As always keep them coming. "See you on Monday"!
