Friday, June 17, 2016

Reichlin-Cooley Funeral Home – Then & Now

Funeral homes are often located in fine old homes, and Reichlin-Cooley in Lorain is no exception.

Below is a photo of the Reichlin-Cooley building that ran in the Lorain Journal and Times-Herald on June 14, 1937 – 79 years ago this month.
According to the accompanying article (below), the business has been located at 2920 Broadway since the partnership was formed in 1931. That's an impressive example of Lorain business longevity.

Aa someone who spends a lot of time mowing and watering his lawn, I thought it was interesting that “bent grass” is mentioned in the article’s headline. Apparently in the old days, bent grass was the choice for palatial estates and golf courses.

Reichlin-Cooley Home 
Lorain Beauty Spot
Well-Kept Bent Grass Lawn, 14-Room House Lend Prestige to Broadway

A home in more ways than one is the Reichlin-Cooley Funeral home, one of the beauty spots of Lorain, located at 2920 Broadway.

The home is a 14 room house purchased by George W. Cooley and Robert Reichlin in 1931 when they formed the partnership which has flourished under the guiding hand of two men who are well versed in their trade.

Cooley, the senior member of the firm in the point of experience, first entered the funeral directing business when practically a boy 21 years ago. Reichlin has been employed in the profession 12 years.

The Reichlin family occupies the second floor of the huge 14-room chapel which is owned and operated by the partners. The remaining seven rooms on the first floor are set aside for services, an office, preparation room and casket display room.

Reichlin-Cooley's is one of the few homes in Lorain carrying a complete display of National caskets, an exclusive line.

Surrounding the home is a beautiful bent grass lawn, probably the only one in that section making it the "beauty spot of Broadway."

Today, the Reichlin-Cooley funeral home looks pretty much the same, although the property has understandably been modified to accommodate parking. It’s probably also lost some frontage, as well as its trees.

I wonder if that's bent grass in my "now" photo?

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