Thursday, June 9, 2016

National Pharmacy Celebrates 25 Years – 1950

Here’s another May “leftover” that didn’t get posted. It’s a full spread, two-page ad for National Pharmacy celebrating its 25th Birthday that ran in the Lorain Journal on May 19, 1950.

The ad is interesting in that it never really comes out and says when it opened; it just says it was “nine thousand, one hundred and twenty-six days ago.” (That was enough to stop me from going back and trying to find a Grand Opening ad.)

National Pharmacy must have liked that particular graphic border design because it was still using something similar in its 1986 telephone directory ad (below), 36 years later.

National Pharmacy managed to hang on at 300 E. 28th Street until it disappeared from the Pharmacy listings beginning with the 1994 phone book.

Here's the former National Pharmacy store today.

Of interest in that 1950 Journal ad is the mention of Buddy and Betty Bowman making an appearance at National Pharmacy.

As you might remember, Bud Bowman is the cartoon archer (sometimes referred to as an elf) that appeared in Bowman Ice Cream ads. Here he is in a 1962 ad (below).
As the 1950 ad noted, “These nationally known trade marks for the Bowman Ice Cream Company will be on hand to entertain you Saturday, May 20th. Here is your chance to see this tiny couple (scarcely 36” tall).

Here’s a promotional postcard showing the diminutive couple in their Bowman costumes.

And here’s a closeup.
I’ll bet they had a lot of fun at their jobs. Plus it’s hard not to make friends when you’re handing out free ice cream in dixie cups!

I received at least one email reminding me that I neglected to mention Joseph Ivey, also known as DJ Joey. He has performed on the corner right in front of the former National Pharmacy for many years (although I recently saw him dancing in front of Czech Grill). You can see him in this Google Street View (below).


  1. I remember the drug store and sitting in the car and my father going in, but I've never been in it.
    I've drove past it many times when it was still a drug store, but never a reason to stop.

  2. I remember driving by there in the 70's and they had a walker, crutches and a porta-potty in the upper windows and it said: SICK ROOM NEEDS.
