Thursday, May 19, 2016

Lionel Sheldon’s Brick Barn in LaGrange – Part 2

I didn’t have to drive down to LaGrange to see if Lionel Sheldon’s brick stable was still standing.

That’s because I was able to determine that the farm was still in the Thompkins family, and came up with an address. Consequently, I found the brick stable in a Bing Maps view (below). The farm is quite impressive.

I was also able to see the brick stable during my ‘drive’ along Rt. 303 via Google Maps (below).

Of course, I decided to drive down there anyway on Sunday to get a picture. Although it was sunny when I left my house in late morning, by the time I was out on Route 20 the sky was dark and it began to sleet.
I kept going, and the weather began to clear up as the brick stable slowly loomed into view from Nickel-Plate Diagonal Road (below).
From there it was only a few minutes before I got my shots from Route 303. The sky wasn’t the greatest, but I was just glad it wasn’t still snowing.
On the way home, I stopped for a photo of the Carlisle Township offices (below).


  1. What a beautiful building!

    Thought you might have gone to the old Brownhelm School open house on Sunday.....

  2. Thanks for the comment. I wasn’t even aware of the Open House. After my quick jaunt down to LaGrange, I think I went home and did laundry!
