Tuesday, May 24, 2016

LaGrange’s Civil War Monument – Part 1

LaGrange’s Soliders’ Monument circa 1953
Last week I wrote about Lionel Sheldon’s brick stable down in LaGrange. With Memorial Day coming up next week, it’s a good time to pay another visit to LaGrange, this time to take a look at its wonderful soldiers’ monument in the town square.

The article below about the monument ran in the Lorain Journal on May 7, 1967 – 49 years ago this month. It explains how the Civil War soldier atop the monument originally faced north, as well as revealing a little-known typographical error that once graced one of the monument’s stones.

Mrs. Albert Wilcox was interviewed for the article. She mentions her great grandfather, Charles Rounds, a native New Englander, walked from the East Coast all the way to LaGrange Township so that he could clear a plot for his new farm.

Tomorrow: Tarred and feathered

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