Friday, April 15, 2016

American Stove Memories

In a recent post about the Stove Works in Lorain, I used a phrase that I find amusing: "By George!"

Well, seeing that name in my Stove Works post triggered a comment from Rae, a longtime reader and contributor.  She observed, "Funny you used the term "by George." My Grandfather worked there and his name was George Rothmyer Nelson. He transferred to Lorain from Dangler Stove in Cleveland."

Like the National Stove Company in Lorain, the Dangler Stove Company was a division of the American Stove Company. Its plant and offices were located at 5017 Perkins Avenue between East 40th and E. 55th Streets.

Rae sent along a nice photo dated 1922 (below).

As she describes it, "The photo is of my Grandfather with a group of Dangler Stove workers in Cleveland before he came to Lorain. He is on the left.”

Rae wisely donated the photo to the Cleveland Memory Project at

Rae had a few more souvenirs of her Grandfather and his days at the Lorain division of American Stove that her mother had saved.

Here’s a program from the First Annual Picnic and Outing of the American Stove Company Employees, Lorain Division. It was held on Saturday, August 8, 1936 at Crystal Beach near Vermilion.

Classic picnic games for young and old were on the agenda that day, as well as a lunch, a company softball game, a Grand Prize Drawing and dancing. And, of course, free tickets for park amusements ensured a fun day for all.
Rae had another American Stove memento to share: a program for the 3rd Annual Dinner Dance, held at the Lorain Country Club (below). Note the Dry Martini on the menu! 
Perhaps someone reading this post will recognize a name on one of these programs, either of an American Stove employee or one of the musicians at the Dinner Dance.
Special thanks to Rae for sharing some of her grandfather's American Stove memorabilia.


  1. Thanks Dan! The gentleman at the Cleveland Memory Project indicated the site in the photo is still standing as in the photo and thought it would be nice to go and take a photo of myself w/ the photo. Which I may do. Thanks again, rae

  2. Hi Rae! Thanks again. I hope the building is still there, that would be a great then and now! I looked at the site via Bing Maps but couldn't figure out how much of Dangler is still there. One site said that it was demolished, hopefully it was just one of the buildings!

  3. The employee picnic is great, so low key, times long gone. Everybody playing a solo on their instrument or singing a song, probably employees. Just like the Gene Carroll show! J.G. Reeder was the big star: clarinet, ocarina, trumpet and singing! And the grand prize was one of the stoves you had been making.

  4. I am restoring an American stove lorain oven heat regulatory stove model 813 el model number 25 T. Need to know if it is possible to find burners etc.
