Friday, March 11, 2016

Memories of Old Stone Villa Part 5

This 1970 Lorain phone book ad (above) for the Old Stone Villa was sort of a last hurrah for the restaurant, which disappeared from listings in subsequent editions.

But it wasn't long before the distinctive building located at the intersection of three main Lorain County routes became the home of some new businesses. One of the first was Big "T" Flying Carpet, which ran the ad below in the February 10, 1972 Amherst News-Times.
Here's another Amherst News-Times ad (below) for the company, this time from October 3, 1974.
And here's another from March 1975 (below).
Later (by 1980 for sure), the former Old Stone Villa became the longtime home of T-N-T Antiques, run by Ted and Helen (Toots) Stanziano for more than 28 years.
These September 2008 'ghost' street views (below) from Google Maps shows the Old Stone Villa after the fire that ultimately resulted in the building's demolition.
Today the building's former location is a parking lot (below) and the Old Stone Villa is but a memory.
A recent view of the former Stone Villa property
But for Linda Harding, it's still a pleasant memory. 
Mary and Samuel Ross at a catered event
in the dining room
As she noted, "My Grandparents came here from Italy, learned the language and built the Stone Villa. It was successful for its time. I think it brought people together, which I think was my Grandmother's intent, so in that respect, it was successful. What she didn’t know was that it gave me wonderful memories of her, and a long lasting work ethic. 

"Oh, and I might add, my love of cooking and feeding people as well.”
Special thanks to Linda Harding for sharing her stories and photos.


  1. It may have been a dream but during the carpet era it was run by Ted Eddy. Could have been a dream.

  2. It wasn't a dream--I remember that too! The name 'Teddy Eddy'---I tried to find some sort of confirmation in the directories but couldn't! Maybe I will dig some more and update this post at some point.
