Tuesday, March 1, 2016

1964 Cedar Point Sky Ride 8mm Film Clip

A few weeks ago I posted two 1960s Cedar Point postcards (including the one at left) showing the totem pole that was near the Sky Ride depot located at the back of the park.

You can see that the totem pole would have been very close to the Sky Ride passengers on the trip heading back towards the front of the park

Well, here’s a wonderful clip on YouTube that is one of a trio of 1964 Cedar Point videos shot by the grandfather of the person who uploaded them. The great footage was shot by the gentleman from his Sky Ride car starting with its departure from the depot shown in the postcard. Consequently you can see the car just clearing the totem pole.

The rest of the Sky Ride journey is a fascinating aerial look at Cedar Point circa 1964.

Here is the link to the original YouTube posting, where you can read the description as written by the grandchild of the videographer, and access the link to the other two films. 
I’m sure the family is proud that their grandfather captured something on film that more than a half-century later brings back happy memories to Northeast Ohioans.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! I got a big kick out of seeing this. rae
