Friday, February 19, 2016

Eating Out in Lorain – February 1970 – Part 2

Here’s the rest of the article about Lorain’s changing restaurant scene, written by Marsha Nutter, which appeared in the Sunday Journal on February 1, 1970.


Pizzas and Hamburgers On The Run
Eating Out Today: A New Way of Life: Part 2

Staff Writer

So, the quick service restaurants seem to be doing a booming business but what about the regular restaurants in the area? How are they doing?

Vogue magazine, which recently did a major article on the quick service franchising, reported, “The whole experience of eating has been drained of every last personal and social aspect.”

Some restaurant owners feel people still want the personal and social aspect in their dining – all the frills.

EDDIE SOLOMON, owner of McGarvey’s Restaurant in Vermilion, said he had his best year ever last year and has doubled his sales in the past six years.

“The quick service establishments haven’t really bothered us,” Solomon said, “but there is no doubt a market for them.

“I feel there is also a trend toward elegant dining. People still want atmosphere and they are ready to pay for it,” Solomon said.

“As a matter of fact, there’s a need for a few more good restaurants, especially in the Lorain area,” he said.

JOHN PRESTI of Presti’s Restaurant in Oberlin, said there is still a market for the “better-type” restaurant and the leisurely meal.

“The quick service establishments cut into our late evening trade,” Presti said. “Those who are just looking for a snack for a sandwich now turn to the quick service places.”

“There’s definitely a market for both types of eating places,” Presti said.

Ted Patouhas, manager of the Holiday Inn of SR 57 in Elyria, said he feels a lot of people, especially young families, use the quick service restaurants.

“They can eat out more often and they don’t have to get dressed up,” Patouhas said.

“I STILL believe the nice leisurely meal is popular and at least 60 percent of our evening business and around 90 percent of our noon business is from local people,” he said.

Olga Blondyn of the Castle-on-the-Lake Restaurant on West Erie Avenue in Lorain said leisurely dinners are still popular.

“Quick service establishments haven’t really affected our business,” she said. “We still get the normal flow of business that we have always had.”

She said she feels people still like to dress up and go out for a nice dinner and then just set around the table and relax.

Eddie Ratusz, owner of Eddie’s Chalet West in North Ridgeville said he believes the new movement of young people use the quick service establishments.

He also said about 80 percent of his business is from outside Lorain County.

I’m sure you saw the two restaurant photos on the Sunday Journal article reproduction at the top of this post. The one on the left is the Old English Fish ’n Chips restaurant building, which was located on Oberlin Avenue (and is currently the home of Diso’s Bistro). The other, of course, is one of the area Casey’s Drive Ins (there were three); I’m guessing it was the one on N. Ridge Road that started out as Kelly’s Jet System Hamburgers.

1 comment:

  1. ...IIRC, by the point this article was written, there were only two McDonalds in town - on Colorado Avenue south of the railroad tracks and the one at Lakeview and West Erie, next to the Castle. They were open maybe six months out of the year, you walked up to the window and gave your order, and ate in your car. The Colorado Avenue one was a treat for us on Friday nights when Dad got off work at AmShip...but the one on West Erie has some special memories - summer nights by the lake shore, a dollar or so let you eat like a king, and all was right with the world....:)

