Thursday, January 14, 2016

Vian’s Barbecue – Then & Now

Although I finished up my blog series on Vian’s yesterday, I realized that I forgot to give it the “then & now” treatment, even though I shot the “now” photo about a week ago in preparation for it.

Above is a postcard showing the restaurant how it looked shortly after it opened. Below is a slightly newer version; you can see how the front of the building has been expanded a bit.

The former Vian’s property is about a thousand feet from my house, and it’s difficult for me not to see the restaurant in my mind’s eye as I drive by it daily.
Here is the view today showing where the restaurant was located (below).
Speaking of the restaurant, I received an interesting email this week from a reader named Shari. Shari wrote, “I wanted to share with you that my dad helped demolish Vian’s.”
I thought that was pretty interesting. Did he manage to salvage any souvenirs?
Indeed he did. As Shari related, “He tore out the bar before the building was demolished. At the time they were finishing their basement and that is where the bar has been ever since. It is in wonderful shape and has never really been used.
“It’s neat that my dad has a part of Sheffield Lake history.”
I think so, too. Thanks for sharing, Shari!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks for this series. In the 1960s I used to go to Vian's with my dad. I was in my awkward teens, and if it weren't for Vian's, which I loved, there might have been no father-daughter bonding. I also remember often walking at least a mile to get one of those incredible Vian's pizzas. Wish I had that recipe now! Jane M.
