Tuesday, December 22, 2015

O’Neil - Sheffield Shopping Center Ads Featuring Li’l Shef – December 1965

I must not have been reading the Journal yet in 1965, or I’d probably remember these ads. They were part of a series of half-page holiday advertisements for the O'Neil - Sheffield Shopping Center done in a comic strip format and featuring Li'l Shef and Ruf.

This above strip ran on December 2, 1965 in the Lorain Journal. In it, the two meet the shopping center's well-remembered talking Christmas tree.

Another ad (below) from December 7, 1965 is a little more hard-sell. In this episode, the androgynous Li’l Shef visits the shopping center. The ad also features a keen little map of the area before Route 2 was built.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad, Dan ; I read the Journal, and I don't remember them, either.
