Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving at the Deutschof – 1937

Many people enjoy Thanksgiving dinner out at a restaurant, and thus avoid the unpleasant task of washing dishes.

The older I get, this seems to make more sense to me. Maybe next year.

Back on Thanksgiving Day 1937, one of the choices for a fine meal for Lorainites was the Deutschof . It had a nice menu for the day, with expected items (turkey with chestnut dressing, fluffy mashed potatoes) as well as a few surprises (marinated herring, french fried potatoes and fruit cake). Assorted nuts and mints rounded out the feast.

Here’s hoping that you are able to celebrate the holiday with a fine meal, in the company of your loved ones and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

  2. Loved chestnuts as a kid, now they are 1 hard to find and 2 expensive if you do find them.

    My mom maxe homemade fruitcake. She'd start sometime in October, bake them, wrap in cheesecloth, put them in a plastic bad and about once a week spray them with booze, rum, I think. You'd get drunk just smelling it.

    Hard to find fruitcake now, if you do, it's made with HFCS!
    I Refuse to buy it.
