Thursday, October 1, 2015

Lincoln Park Rowdiness – 1906 Style

Rick Kurish continues to do my work for me – whatta pal!

He recently sent me the above article from the pages of the Elyria Daily Chronicle of September 11, 1906. (It originally appeared in the Lorain Times-Herald and was reprinted in the Elyria paper.) The article details the morality concerns as to what was going on at Baerenwald Park (Lincoln Park's predecessor) at Stop 48 on the Green Line.

It's an appropriate companion piece and follow-up to yesterday's post about the same thing: rowdy youths.

As Rick noted in his email, the vintage article is "full of moral indignation at the effect of the place on the young women of the surrounding area." He added, "It's a pretty funny article, but you have to remember that this was 1906 – a completely different era.

"While the 1906 article's antics allegedly included such activities as rifle practice near the dance pavilion, a shanty in the woods selling liquor, rowdy behavior on the streetcars, and dancing on Sunday, the noise complaints, littering, and traffic complaints don't seem excessive."
It's an interesting read, so be sure to click on it for a larger version. Thanks once again goes out to Rick for his research help!

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