Tuesday, September 29, 2015

1906 Grand Opening Ad for Lincoln Park’s Predecessor

In yesterday’s post about the Lincoln Park Ballroom, I mentioned that I wasn’t sure how long a business had been at that location.

Well, as it turns out, longtime blog contributor Rick Kurish had already done the research to answer that question. In fact, he shared it with me last year!

He had read my old 2013 post about Lincoln Park, and wrote, "Boy, did that bring back memories! In the 1960s it was the place to go; it was always packed. Several of your readers mentioned that the place is currently kind of decrepit and creepy, in its abandoned state. I think the place has a longer history than most people are aware of.

"It originally had its grand opening as "Baerenwald Park" on May 13, 1906. Its address was listed as Lincoln Ave. Stop 48 on the Green Line.

"I've attached a scan (below) of the grand opening advertisement which appeared in the Elyria Republican newspaper of May 10, 1906.
"Reading the description of the size of the dance floor, and the types of people and activities that were allowed, was hilarious --- especially the part that no liquor of any description will be for sale on the grounds, and disreputable parties will not be admitted to the park. I venture to say that a lot of people who frequented the club in the 1960s, myself included, may not have made the cut!

"I don't know exactly when the name of the park was changed to Lincoln Park, but in an advertisement in the Chronicle Telegram newspaper of April 2, 1921, it is Lincoln Park. A much more marketable name than Baerenwald Park!”
Thanks to Rick and his uncanny research skills, we now know that the Lincoln Park property began as a summer resort and was already open at least as early as 1906. We also know that the building there – whose dimensions mentioned in the ad are practically identical to those on the Lorain County Auditor website – was new in 1906 as well.

1 comment:

  1. It was sttill a fairly popular spot in the 1980's as well,and I sure remember those trees!! The area and suurrounding area was "deep" country back in the earlly 1940's when I was akid. Memories!
