Wednesday, August 19, 2015

SR2 From Baumhart Road to Huron Opens – August 1975

The 1966 article in yesterday’s post about the construction of I-90 in Lorain County mentioned a portion of the highway from Baumhart to Huron that hadn’t been built yet. It stated that the stretch from Baumhart Road to Huron "hopefully will gain a high priority to maintain the continuity of the system. These plans are now in detailed design and there is no financing problem.”

How long did it take to finally finish that section of the highway, known today as part of State Route 2? The article below from the August 11, 1975 Journal tells the story.


Lorain-Berlin Heights Link Of SR2 Opening About Aug. 25
Norwalk Bureau Chief

VERMILION – The new portion of SR2 linking Lorain and the Berlin Heights - Huron area will be opened to traffic on Aug. 25, according to Bob Whidden, construction engineer at District III of the State Department of Highways in Ashland.

Contractor John Baltes said he’s figuring on completing work on Aug. 15 “plus or minus a few days.”

Baltes said the long delayed project needs a few signs and some final touchup work. The signs have arrived but must be put in place. There is also some insulation work and some painting to be done at the rest area building.

Baltes’ company was responsible for a 4.949 - mile section of the highway including 11 bridges from Baumhart Road in Lorain County to SR60 south of Vermilion. It was supposed to have been completed last October but State Transportation Department officials granted the firm an extension of time.

Another section from SR60 to SR61 in Erie County was completed on time by Peirce Construction Company and Mosser Construction Company. It involved 6.875 miles of highway and 13 bridges.

Opening the entire new section will mean fast and easy access for people to and from central Erie County including the Huron and Berlin Heights areas.

In case you’re wondering if you're experiencing a case of déja vu, you’re not. I posted a photo about a year ago related to this very same topic.


  1. Just emailed your blog email address.

  2. I remember that we'd go as far as we could, what was it, Rt 60, then north and get on Lake Road. Even drove it as in my late teens or early 20s.
