Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Memories of Tamsin Park – Part 3

Here’s a rare Tamsin Park collectible that I’ve never seen online: a six-page brochure and a rate sheet from the 1964 season. I’m not sure why my parents kept them, but I sure am glad they did.

The brochure is loaded with great photos of the park, and includes some well-written text. Part of the copy reads, “Tamsin has the atmosphere of a western national park!” is a remark often heard from campers. The spaciousness of the beautifully wooded campground with great oak trees, hand-hewn log buildings and hand-carved signs, all combine to preserve and enhance your joy of the great-out-of-doors.

“The scenic grounds are large enough to accommodate thousands of people, yet the campgrounds are privately located away from daily park visitors. A variety of camping sites ranging from deeply wooded areas to sunny, “Deer Lick Meadow” is sure to provide you with a camp setting to your likings. You’ll also enjoy Tamsin’s complete and extensive recreational facilities which are all available to the camper and within short walking distance from your campsite.”

Here’s the front of the rate sheet (below). (Note it includes the same great illustration of the iconic totem pole as seen on the decal that I posted on Part 1 of this blog series.)
On the back is a great map of the park.
Next: Tamsin in the news, and some history of the park


  1. I always thought that what our backyard really needed was a totem pole.

  2. A term I hadn't heard used in ages "Whitegas" ,

  3. A really neat looking campground --- I'm surprised that I had never heard of it before. From looking at the brochure it's easy to see why the park would appeal to young kids. Names of places always pique my curiosity, so the name Tamsin naturally made me wonder how the name was derived. I found out (via the internet) that Tamsin means twin. Is it possible that the name was derived from the "twin" lakes/ponds which are prominently featured in the brochure? Can't wait to get the history of the place!
