Monday, August 31, 2015

August 18, 1947 -– Dreamland Theater, Elyria Country Club Burn

To close out August, here’s the the front page of the Monday, August 18, 1947 Lorain Journal and the Lorain Times-Herald. There’s a lot of news crammed onto the page, with fire destroying the Dreamland Theater in Lorain earlier that day, and the Elyria Country Club on the day before.

On that same news-filled day, Admiral Ernest King’s health takes a turn for the worse, a body is recovered along the New York Central railroad tracks in Brownhelm Township and a traffic accident claims the life of an Elyria man near Griswold Road.

Perhaps to take our mind off the somber headline and page filled with tragedy, the Journal featured front and center a huge photo of leggy, warm weather ski bunnies in Sun Valley, Idaho.


  1. That's funny, shi bunnies, butva closer look, there is a couple in a canoe at the edge of the snow.

    If you keep looking, they were complaning of Global warming "New Heatwave to last 3 days" or something close to that.

    There is a lot on that page, but its too hard to read no matter how much you try to expand the page.

  2. No matter how huge an image I upload, the blogger interface resizes it down to what you see here when you click on it – sorry about that!

  3. Yes, I remember you mentioned that on someone else's post.
