Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summer Fun Page in the C-T – June 8, 1968

If you're a fisherman, a boating enthusiast or a camper, there's plenty to be nostalgic about on this page from the June 8, 1968 Chronicle-Telegram.

First, there's two articles about Beaver Park. One article is about the Beaver Park Yacht Basin, featuring quotes from manager Robert W. Dunham, and news about the recent purchase of the Beaver Shore Motel. The other article discusses the Beaver Creek Marina and the limitations of getting under the highway bridge across Routes 6 & 2.

There's an article about Garwell's Fishing, Boating and Picnic Supplies with quotes from George Garwell.

The upcoming Lorain Yacht Club's 39th International Regatta is the subject of another article, as well as a short column about Lakeview Park, and its newest picnic shelter built by the Lorain Kiwanis.

Along with all, that you have some ads for Beaver House (featuring their lovable mascot), Camp Cozy in Lakeside, Ohio, Valley Forge Golf Club, Klinects Maple Grove Lake in Grafton, and a CTS Fun Tour to Castalia and the Blue Hole.

1 comment:

  1. Dad had two bots down there over the years, not at the same time, but we were south of the road and a bit east against the golf course.
    Because of the limited use during high water and not being able to get under the bridge, he moved further west to Vermilion.

    I think t was 1967 when the flood came, the boat broke free and my friend and I had to swim out into the Vermilion river to bring it back.

    When Fruehauf relocated, dad didn't go, there's a long story there that I won't get into.
