Monday, July 27, 2015

Palace Cartoon Show – July 12, 1957

Today is Bugs Bunny's 75th Birthday, so it's a good time to post this ad featuring great artwork of "that Oscar-winning rabbit." The ad is for an upcoming special children's matinee at the Palace theater in Lorain, and ran in the Lorain Journal on July 12, 1957 – 58 years ago this month.

It's nice to be reminded that there was a time when all it took to make children happy in the summer was Bugs Bunny cartoons, Three Stooges and Little Rascal movie shorts and an Abbott & Costello feature film.

While Baby Boomers grew up on a steady diet of the above, I'm sure today's children either have never heard of them, or know them only from crummy revivals (like the Three Stooges movie of a few years ago or the wretched, unfunny talkfest called The Looney Tunes Show.

And more's the pity.


  1. "It's nice to be reminded that there was a time when all it took to make children happy in the summer was Bugs Bunny cartoons, Three Stooges and Little Rascal movie shorts and an Abbott & Costello feature film."
    And a lobby display case loaded with sugar-filled candy, and a couple of quarters in the pocket.
    Don Wozniak

  2. those were great saturdays, i miss the nice lady that had the hole in the wall fresh roasted nut stand that was next to the palace! great to take to the show!
