Friday, April 10, 2015

Pittsfield Tornado Damage Wire Photo

Well, the big 50th anniversary of the 1965 Palm Sunday tornado is this Saturday, so I thought I'd post this great aerial photo of the intersection of Routes 58 and 303 taken a few days after the disaster. The aerial photo (from the Columbus Dispatch) appeared on, by way of

The Associated Press wirephoto is interesting because it shows the crop marks done as a guide for the camera/stripping department of a newspaper – meaning the photo is from a collection of old newspaper photos.

Pittsfield Township Historical Society is holding a dedication ceremony at the Township Hall on Saturday, April 11 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. There will be a plaque dedication, refreshments, artifacts and stories. There are also special guests that are scheduled to appear, as well as newly found historical recordings.

Anyway, here's the aerial view of the same area today (below), courtesy of Bing Maps.

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