Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My First Texas Burger at Dog 'N Suds

The scene on Saturday night
After writing about Ilene's Dog 'N Suds on Friday, I was looking forward to my first visit to the drive-in this season. So when it turned out that I was on my own for dinner Saturday night, I knew where I was going to end up.

Plus, I was looking forward to trying something new there. I'd been working my way through a huge pot of homemade chili all week, and had even made chili dogs at home one night. So coney dogs were off the menu that night.

The view out my window
I decided to try the Texas Burger instead. And I'm mighty glad I did, pardner.

For the uninformed, the Texas Burger has been a regular on Dog 'N Suds menus all over the country for decades. It's basically a double-decker charco-broiled hamburger with the famous Dog 'N Suds coney sauce on it. Based on what I've read online, each Dog 'N Suds outlet makes it a little different, customizing it for local taste buds.

The Texas Burger has shredded lettuce and a white sauce on it, making it sort of the Midway Oh Boy's Texas cousin. The burgers tasted just like they were cooked over charcoal – just how I like'em.

Here's what mine looked like (below).

My Texas Burger
I really enjoyed my Texas Burger, and this cowboy is already looking forward to his next one. I think I'll even recommend that the Texas Bradys try one when they roll into town this summer on their annual visit.

By the way, the Lorain Morning Journal recently ran a very nice article by Drew Scofield about the Dog 'N Suds on N. Ridge Road (which you can read here). It has a nice profile of Ilene Sowards Hampton, the owner, as well as a discussion of–you guessed it–the Texas Burger.


  1. That coney sauce looks gruesomely delicious. Looking forward to it.

  2. Lots of good memories!! Big deal for my kids when little tykes , and as older 50s still big deal!! Judy

  3. Stopped by last year. The food was aood as in the '70s just more expensive. But worth the trip. Nothing on the West Coast compares.

  4. Stopped by last year. The food was aood as in the '70s just more expensive. But worth the trip. Nothing on the West Coast compares.
