Friday, April 24, 2015

Amber Oaks Closes

According to some comments posted on the "You know you're from Sheffield or Sheffield Lake if..." Facebook page, Amber Oaks quietly closed for good at the end of last weekend.

I saw the sign on Monday during my commute and didn't realize that it was the owners' way of saying goodbye to the community.

A 1971 view of the original building
It's very sad. The restaurant had been part of Sheffield Lake since it opened in 1963. (I wrote about its Grand Opening here and here.)

Although I hadn't eaten there in a while, for many years it was our preferred choice for family celebrations and New Year's Eve dinner.

The restaurant obviously still had many fans, judging by the many cars in the parking lot.

Here's wishing the owners a Happy Retirement, along with my thanks for providing a backdrop for so many of our family get-togethers.


  1. I heard they recently reopened this year, 2019.
    Don't know why they closed, unless you Google "amber oaks history, Sheffield lake"

  2. My family knows the owners of the establishment. It was recently reopened, but it as far as I gathered it was closed due to heavy renovations. The renovations are still in process on the patio.
