Monday, March 30, 2015

Pittsfield Civil War Statue

It was sunny (but freezing) on Saturday morning, so I jumped in the car first thing and headed down Route 58 to Pittsfield. I wanted a nice photo of the Civil War monument with the morning sun hitting it, seeing as I had just written about it on Friday.

As you can see, there was a lot more snow in that part of the county than what we had up by the lake in Sheffield Lake. It was up to the top of my shoes as I slogged across the grounds to get this shot.

It was nice to get a close look at the statue (below). You can still see the seams where it was damaged by the tornado and then repaired. The brim of his Civil War kepi hat, though, looks like it's been through, well, a war.

I suspect that with the official 50th anniversary of the 1965 Palm Sunday tornado coming up on April 11, Pittsfield will be visited by a few TV news crews.

Sunday was a nice day too, so I went back for another shot. The clouds were a little more interesting this time (below) and the shadows deeper.
To read about the history of the statue, click here to visit the Historic Landmarks page of the Lorain County Historical Society's website.
However, I'm confused about the date that the monument was dedicated. One history of the statue states that it's been there since 1898, and another says 1896. According to the Lorain County Historical Society's website, it was dedicated on August 13, 1894.
I checked the two available newspapers on microfilm at the Elyria Public Library (the Elyria Republican and the Elyria Democrat) for that August 1894 time period and couldn't find a mention in either one about the dedication. (Granted, the type is pretty small in those hard-to-read microfilm versions.) 
Perhaps some Pittsfield historian in the know will leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. According to the diary of Pittfield resident Harriet Pomeroy McRoberts (my 2nd great grandmother), the Pittsfield Solider's Monument was erected in May 21, 1896 by John Berg and dedicated Aug. 13, 1896.
    Her Diary entries:
    April 1896- "Thur 30- cooler, cloudy day. Showers all arround (around). Assessor Grant Campbell (Metta’s future husband) here. Also Ola to dinner. Phil went town with Pitt (McRoberts). I sent 2½ lbs butter to Aunt Fanny H(all). H(enry) & P(hil) went (to Pittsfield) center meeting to arrange for & fixing the date for the dedication of the Soldiers monument."
    May 1896- "Thur 21- I wash(ed clothes). Metta went back to O(berlin,to work at) Hanmer’s. Adam (Hanmer) put (his) colt in pasture. John Berg(?) raised (erected) soldiers monument (at) Pittsfield Center. B(laine) went (to) Dover, see (about) drilling done there, also to Avon to see Will."
    May 1896- "Sat 30- Decoration (Memorial Day). H(enry), Phil & girls went (Soldiers Monument was not dedicated until August 13). Ola came & Sallie went also. Nellie went for Aunt Fanny Hall am, was here at dinner. Ola took S(allie) home at night. HM (husband) & O(la) went town even(ing). Rain. H(enry) came home with Louie B(arnard). Will (came) home (from Avon). (His drilling) tools loose but not out (of well he’s drilling)."
    Aug 1896- "Thur 13- much cooler. Rain pm. Dedication (of) soldier monument & (Civil War) soldiers reunion at Center (in) Pittsfield. Henry, Erwin & Nellie & I went. Great crowd."
    Hopefully, this will clarify the year as 1896.
    Lynn Smith Youngblood
