Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ohio Fuel Gas Company Mascot's Name FINALLY Revealed – Part 1

Last week I did a post on the House of Enchantment, which featured all gas appliances. That reminded me that I had some loose ends to clear up regarding the anthropomorphic gas flame shown above that I've been putting off for literally months.

It all started way back in 2011, when I posted a 1958 Ohio Fuel Gas Company ad featuring him. At the time, I didn't know his name, or what the pronged thing was that he was holding.

As anyone who reads this blog for a while knows, I'm a big fan of advertising mascots and their history. I even have a small library of books on that subject – and this guy is not to found in any of them. So not knowing his name really bugged me.

Since that first post, I've collected and presented a variety of ads featuring him, including a whole series of ads with a circus theme – but still, none of them mentioned his name.

May 1947
May 1950
June 11, 1950
June 18, 1950
November 5, 1950 ad
October 1958 ad
Actually, the 1947 ad referred to him as the Tiny Gas Flame, and that's what I finally thought his name was. I even formally announced it on this blog (back here).

But, as it turns out – I was (groan) wrong. He has a real name – and it took the help of Michigan State University Libraries to come up with it.

Stop back tomorrow for the whole story – it's a gas!

1 comment:

  1. Any ideas? Looking for an individual who was awarded a pair of glasses for a one-year safe driver for the Ohio Gas Fuel Company probably anywhere from 1941-1943 who went on to serve in WWII.
