Wednesday, October 15, 2014

More Passing Scene Cartoons – October 1968

I'm a little bit busy this week with my other ongoing writing project, contributing articles to the Black Swamp Trader & Firelands Gazette. As I'm preparing this blog post on Tuesday night, my current  article for the paper is due this week. So forgive me if you see a few blog posts of the "filler" variety as I slowly get back to my normal schedule.

First up are a couple of The Passing Scene cartoons by Gene Patrick that ran on October 12, 19, and 26, 1968. (By George, I've cleaned up so many of these strips in Photoshop that if I keep this blog going for a few more years, I'll probably have posted The Passing Scene's entire run!

Of interest in the October 19th strip – particularly in view of the current Ebola scare –  is the reference to the Hong Kong flu, a 1968 flu pandemic that killed one million people worldwide.

The October 26th strip is interesting also – in it, it's shown that you could still burn leaves in Lorain.

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