Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Paul Miller Circus Comes to Town – September 1963

Way back in 2010 (here), I posted a 1960 ad (at left) announcing the arrival of the Paul Miller Circus in N. Ridgeville.

At the time, there were some interesting comments posted, including one by one of the acts – the "Riding Kristensens" – that toured with the circus. But there was another comment that was posted by a local gentleman who had a unique perspective of that circus – namely, from his Lorain front yard!

He wrote, "Dan, the Paul Miller circus was in Lorain in September of 1963. They also were in my front yard. I won a contest that brought some of their  acts to my home. Two clowns, Japanese tumblers and three elephants. Next time you're going through old newspapers, check out page 3 of the September 23, 1963 Lorain Journal.

Well, I finally took his advice! Here is the article (below) and photos of Billy Nahm's memorable experience of the day the circus came to his E. 46th Street home – 51 years ago this month.

And where did all this go down? Over in the area by Clearview High School, east of Broadway on E. 46th Street (below).


  1. Dan, thanks for my 15 min of fame!! 2 side notes to the story... 1. The original article had my age at 86 an obvious typo ,thanks for fixing that. The address was also incorrect in the paper. I see you did your homework there too. 2. On Monday you posted a "BING MAPS' picture of 5109 Leavitt rd. [the house of enchantment] .... In that picture you can see the former home of my Aunt -on Eastman Dr-. Then on Tuesday you posted a BING MAPS picture of my mothers home. 2 picture of 2 sisters homes, a few miles apart, posted on 2 consecutive days. "Go figure" Thanks again for the Post..
    Bill {Billy] Nahm

  2. Thanks, Bill! Sorry it took me so long to do this post!! What a coincidence this week concerning the aerial views--- that's hilarious! Hope you and your family are doing well!

  3. Now THERE'S a name I haven't heard in many a year! Billy was a year ahead of me at school, a very funny guy.

    Clearview High had a talent show in '73, and Billy was one of the highlights, doing impressions of staff and students, myself included.

    Billy, I add my best wishes for you and yours to Dan's.
