Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lorain National Bank Grand Opening at Lorain Plaza – Sept. 8, 1961

I'm sure everybody remembers when Lorain National Bank had a branch at the Lorain Plaza. Well, here's the full-page Grand Opening ad for it. It ran in the Journal on Sept. 7, 1961, the day before the big event on Sept. 8th – 53 years ago yesterday.

The circus-themed ad has a nice rendering of the plaza branch, along with some very stylized cartoons of circus flunkies.

I used to bank at that LNB branch in the 70s, especially when I had my Money Mate card. Actually, I spent a lot of time at the plaza with friends while I was growing up, usually checking out the turtles and other pets at the W. T. Grant department store.

It's too bad that Lorain National moved out of the plaza when it did. I'm sure the space was much too small for it to stay, but the plaza was never the same as losing so many of its longtime anchor businesses.

1 comment:

  1. Since we lived just a couple blocks away on West 37th, that was 'our' branch...Mom and Dad would take care of business there and we got parked in the old branch library (later became Radio Shack)....

