Friday, September 5, 2014

Construction Update – Taco Bell & Dollar General

Well, Taco Bell has been open in Lorain now for several weeks, and appears to be doing a brisk business on Oberlin Avenue (above).

It was only about a year ago that the same location looked like this (below).

Out on Colorado Avenue in Shefffield, the new Dollar General is now open as well. It's a nice looking building, but it seems out of place in that church and cemetery setting to me.

Here's the view from last Saturday morning (below).

And here's roughly the same view from last February (below). You can barely see the Root house hidden behind the trees.

By George, these development companies didn't waste any time getting their new buildings up!

I suspect that both of these "before" views will be quickly forgotten.

I'm still glad I was able to participate in Dr. Charles Herdendorf's "guerilla archeology" team's visit to the house.


  1. Is that another new Dollar General going up on Cooper Foster near Precision Auto and Howard Hanna?

  2. Someone told me there's a new one on Cooper Foster in Amherst, so that sounds like the one.

  3. There's a new one on Rt. 58 in Amherst. How many does that city need?

  4. They are popping up like weeds all over the place. A new one on the corner of Abbe and Colorado. in Sheffield
