Thursday, August 21, 2014

O. A. Hafely Ad – August 23, 1930

Here's an ad for O. A. Hafely Home Building & Financing that ran in the newspaper on August 23, 1930. The ad announces a new office that was opening at 1815 Oberlin Avenue.

I was a little surprised to see this ad, since I mainly associate Hafely built homes on the east side of Lorain. I lived in one myself back in the late 1980s on Nebraska Avenue.

I've blogged about O. A. Hafely before, including posting this 1969 article that included an interview with the man himself.

So is the little building shown in the ad still there on Oberlin Avenue? Sure, it is!

I wonder if the people living in it are aware of its connection with a company that helped transform Lorain?


  1. I wonder when the Hafely Co. moved out of the building? I remember it as a barber shop, where my brother and I would occasionally get haircuts in the early 1950s. My father grew up near the corner of 18th St. and Oberlin Ave. and he knew the barbers quite well. I don't remember the name of the shop, but I remember there were two barbers, and the owner of the shop was into horse racing. The walls had several pictures of race horses and trotters, which my brother and I thought was really neat.

  2. Hi Rick!
    Since this is a post-vacation (hastily prepared) post, I didn't have time to lookup when Hafely moved out. I'll have to research it and do a follow-up post of what else besides your bookie, er uh barber was in thar over the years!
