Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Taco Bell Update

Saturday was a beautiful day, so I thought I would drive around and check out some of the change taking place in Lorain. 
I checked on the progress of the new Taco Bell at the former Muzik Brothers location on Oberlin Avenue, between St. Peter's and First Federal Savings of Lorain.
The building is coming along nicely – and quickly.
I had my usual difficulties grabbing a quick drive-by photo, though. Maybe my camera sticking out the window is being mistaken for a gun barrel or something, because the worker in the photo was keeping an eye on my car as I slowed it down to focus. It took two passes to get my two measly shots.
Here's my other one.
This store is going to have the brand new high-tech design, too – none of that ersatz Mexican mission look.
Here's a store with the same design (below) so you can imagine what the Lorain store will soon look like, as well as a link to a story explaining the new look.
Why do I get the idea that all new commercial store designs (fast food, drug stores, etc.) are specifically designed generically so that (heaven forbid) if the store fails, the building can easily be recycled as something else?
I dunno about you, but I can still remember this store design (below) – from the days of the first store in the area which was up in Amherst on Cooper Foster Park Road. But I don't remember a cool mascot statue out front.

Boy, did we love Taco Bell tacos back then. It's still pretty tasty, but just not as special. It's probably due to the fact that there are good Mexican (at least what Americans think is Mexican) restaurants everywhere. Plus, it's pretty easy to make tacos at home with the various kits (or Penzeys spices) so it's not necessary to go out for fast food tacos as often.
But rest assured, I will be a patron of the new Taco Belch, er, Bell on Oberlin Avenue.

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