Friday, July 4, 2014

Have a Safe and Happy July 4th!

July 2, 1954 cartoon from the Lorain Journal
It's July 4th so you know what that means here on the Brady Blog – another grisly visit from the Grim Reaper!

He looks pretty gleeful in the cartoon above, sitting at the edge of the highway and ready with a basket and a shovel for his next victims. There's already some comical carnage going on in the background.

The macabre cartoon appeared on the front page of the Lorain Journal on July 2, 1954. It accompanied a United Press article that stated that it was expected that 430 lives would be lost on the highways during the holiday. Even President Eisenhower made a direct plea for caution on the roads, and asked newspapers, television and radio stations to do all they could to help cut the death toll of the previous year (400) in half.

Anyway, here's hoping you enjoy a safe and happy July 4th!

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