Friday, July 11, 2014

Brownhelm Township Wanderings

I made several trips out to the Aufdenkampe Family Farm on North Ridge Road to get strawberries during the last few weeks, and each time I drove past the stately old Brownhelm School. I finally grabbed some shots of it last week.

According to a February 2, 1998 article in the Chronicle-Telegram, the school was built in 1889 and was used by township students until its closing in 1988. The article also noted that after the Browhelm Township Trustees purchased the old school, the original school bell was taken down from the top of the school and placed in front of the building.

Additions in 1905 and 1922 provided the school with its present appearance.

To read a well-written and interesting history of Brownhelm Township as well as the school, click here to visit the history page on Brownhelm Township's website.

I also couldn't resist grabbing a shot of the beautiful Brownhelm Congrational United Church of Christ on North Ridge Road located near the school. The sign in front of the church announced that the church is celebrating its 195th anniversary.


  1. Anyone know if this school is still slated for demolition? I recall reading that because of the cost of removing asbestos from the building it was just going to be torn down instead. (Also, can anyone explain how demolishing a building doesn't just release a bunch of asbestos dust and cause a hazard?)

  2. School has been saved, renovations are well underway. Exterior completed in 2011- new roof, windows and doors repaired or replaced, all woodwork painted, etc.
    Interior renovation in process- plaster repaired, woodwork stripped, walls and ceilings being painted. New furnace installed. Schoolhouse lights being replaced. Floors to be sanded and refinished.
    Brownhelm Historical Assn work parties at school most weeks. Please stop by to see our progress!
    Contact BHA for information.
