Wednesday, June 11, 2014

St. Anthony's New Church Bldg Dedication Ad – June 11, 1960

Here's the ad announcing the dedication of the new St. Anthony of Padua church building and rectory. The ad appeared in the Lorain Journal on June 11, 1960.

The St. Anthony congregation on Lorain's east side dates back to 1923.

Of course we all remember how in late October 2012 the church's roof was blown off by Superstorm Sandy. St. Anthony School classes were moved to St. Thomas on Harris Road in Sheffield Lake until the roof was repaired. The students returned on January 28, 2013.

Here's the church building as it looks today.

I'm not Catholic, but I've long admired this church's beautiful campus, as well as the congregation's longevity and the important role it plays in the life of so many Lorainites.

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