Friday, May 23, 2014

Lawson's Ad – May 25, 1962

A few days before Memorial Day 1962, this ad for Lawson's  – almost a full page in size – ran in the May 25 Lorain Journal. Besides promoting a special on half-gallons of ice cream for 49 cents, it also mentions that it's the convenience store's 23rd anniversary.

The ad is attractively designed – uncluttered and with appealing typography. The clip art of the woman is a nice touch too. (Hey, me spouse just bought some specs that look like that – really!)

Chief Wahoo is in the ad too, to stress the fact that you could purchase Indians tickets at Lawson's and earn some free milk.

No mention of Big O Orange Juice. Perhaps it wasn't really marketed that way until later. No chipped chopped ham, either – our favorite lunch meat from Lawson's! But there's plenty of hearty and healthy summer cookout fare, like wieners, buns and popsicles.

The fine type lists some weird brands: Spunky Dog Food, Tops Nuts, Kenny Pork & Beans, Kenny Stuffed Olives, Kenny Kosher Dills (by George, that Kenny made everything), Ocoma Turkey Dinner, etc.

At least they have at least one fine Canadian product listed, although its spelling seems mangled: Dares Petite Buerre Cookies.

Anyway, here's hoping you have a great Memorial Day!


  1. Just think what the hourly wage of a factory worker was back then.

    And "look" no High Frutose Cory Syrup in the ice cream or the pop cycles!

  2. I went to high school with a guy named Kenny Kosher. A real cut up! I wonder if he's the same guy??

    --Dopey Gillis
