Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Vanishing Beach Motel – Part 2

By 1975, the Vanishing Beach Motel had lots of company up on Shore Drive. It was surrounded by large apartment houses.

Amazingly, the motel continued to show up in the city directory until the 1988 book, when the 4144 Shore Drive address was listed as "vacant."

Today, the former motel property is still there on Shore Drive (below).

It's obvious that the Vanishing Beach Motel started out as a tourist court with small cabins (like its across-the-highway neighbor, Hialeah Tourist Court). There are several small cabins on the property in addition to the main house.

According to the Lorain County Auditor website, the main house and small cabins were built in 1930. The larger cabin dates from 1940.

Here's a look at the cabins from the back.

Here's an aerial view of the former Vanishing Beach Motel property.

Interestingly, the white house at the left hand side of the above photo predates everything along that stretch of the road, and dates from 1911 (according to the Lorain County Auditor website).

1 comment:

  1. I was imagining it a lot closer to the beach. I still think it is a great name and would love to see what it looked like in it's heyday.
