Monday, April 14, 2014

Steve Polansky Easter Ad – 1964

Here's a nice, uncluttered Easter-themed ad for a place I shop at every Saturday – Polansky's Market on Dewey Road in Amherst. It ran in the Journal on March 23, 1964 – 50 years ago.

I like the design of that cartoon rabbit chef giving the OK sign about the easter ham, which is also a great illustration. I also like those 1964 prices.

I was at Polansky's on Saturday as usual, picking up a (if you'll pardon the expression) pork butt for a nice, easy Sunday dinner of pulled-pork sandwiches. It was excellent.

Don't know if you out-of-towners missed it, but Sophia Polansky passed away this past January. Sophia and her husband Steve founded the business in 1940 at 14th and Long Avenue in Lorain. The Dewey Road operation has been around since 1945 and is still operated by the family and owned by son John (one of the smiling faces hard at work in the back whenever I stop in).


  1. We shopped Polansky's at the home store, and also through Fligner's, and the Daniels brothers,Art and Ed(?) who sold fruit, vegetables, and Polansky meats from their pickup trucks.

  2. Actually, it was Art and BILL Daniels; Art was from Wakeman, as I recall.
