Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lorain Creamery Easter Ad – 1964

Here's another top-hatted Easter bunny ad from 1964 – this time for the well-remembered Lorain Creamery (one of the favorite topics on this blog over the years). The ad ran in the Journal on March 17, 1964.

This bunny is a little less menacing than the giant that towered over the kids in the Pic-Way ad.

Courtesy Ebay
It's kind of a good deal in the ad: buy 2 dozen eggs (you're going to color a dozen of them anyway) and get an Easter bucket and a coloring kit for two dimes.

Although we weren't customers of Lorain Creamery's milk delivery service, we did have milk delivered by Home Dairy. Memories of the milk man coming to our house on Skyline Drive are still very clear.

We didn't have a little milk door at our house on Skyline (we did on W. 30th Street) so our milkman – Bill – used to open up the garage door and leave the milk carrier alongside the steps leading into the house.

Milk men are a funny memory, one that will surely die with the Baby Boomers.


  1. I still fondly remember Bob, our Lorain Creamery deliveryman.

  2. I know someone who remembers a woman named "Millie" who drove a milk truck in the 1970s in South Lorain. She had an assistant who chased kids around the yard. Does anyone share this memory?

  3. I’ll bet it was Millie Lopatkovitch, she is mentioned in two comments left on this Home Dairy post from 2011:

  4. While I'm 57 years old and definitely a Baby Boomer, I don't remember a milk man growing up in Elyria. I only recall my mother talking about our neighbor who had an affair with the milk man, but I don't remember one coming to the house.

    However, I DO remember a Charles Chip man coming to the house, and a Cotton Candy Clown who drove up and down the side streets in a motorized scooter with a cotton candy machine attached to the back. The clown was probably a City employee all of 17, but he dressed in full clown wardrobe. It was somewhat magical growing up as a Baby Boomer.
