Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Five Year Anniversary Message

Today's a big day here on the blog – it's the Fifth Anniversary of the very first post!

The blog started out as the result of a class I took – How 2.0 Blog – at the Lorain Public Library back in March 2009. It's come a long way from those early days of pun-filled posts about Bob's Donuts, Midway Oh-Boys and Dog 'n Suds. (Well, maybe it's not that different.)

Recently, someone asked me why I write this blog. My answer? To fill a need. I think there needs to be a blog where you can look at old Yala's Pizza ads, read about the grand opening of some long-gone business, find out who Auntie Ferguson was, or revisit a great Journal or Chronicle-Telegram article from the past.

It's a lot of work to find and prepare content to post here, and sometimes it seems like the blog has more filler than a low-grade hot dog. Many times I told myself, "All right, one more year and that's it!" But then I'd get a nice email or comment from somebody telling me they enjoyed a post. So I'd rededicate myself and head back to the library.

However, I am going to slow down – just a bit.

I can't promise you that there will be something new here five days a week. Frankly, I'm exhausted. Some of these topics take weeks to prepare. Some have been postponed for years because I can't find the time to write them up. For instance, I've been mentioning "my upcoming series on the Pueblo" for so many years now that when it finally does appear here, I'm sure some of you will think it's a sign of the Apocalypse.

Plus, I still write for The Black Swamp Trader & Firelands Gazette – and I've got to start researching and writing my articles for upcoming issues. So I might miss a day on the blog here and there. Sorry about that. But it will give me some much-needed breathing room.

I want you to know that I truly appreciate your coming here to read this stuff. I plan to keep on doing it as long as it's fun.

A special thank you goes out to everyone who has left a comment – especially the regulars – over the years. You make this blog a much richer and entertaining experience (and you catch my errors too). Thanks also to those of you who send me suggestions. I'll continue to try to use as many as I can – I've got quite a backlog.

Anyway, watch for my upcoming series on the Pueblo!


  1. Congrats!! I grew up mostly in Elyria & Amherst in about the same time frame up did in Lorain. Still get a kick out of your articles!! How about a story about the old Brown Derby & the 'Luv Pub' -- Took my first GF there for our first 'fancy' date!!

    Now Livin' in Cleveland!!

  2. The Brown Derby out by the golf course would make a good topic, it was THE place to go for a lot of families. We did lots of special occasions there, and you're right it was a good date place. I think we went there for dinner before a music formal once or twice! Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. Hi Dan,

    Congratulations on 5 years!!! I have learned so much about the Lorain area from your blog... You have brought back so many great memories of days gone by like the talking Christmas Tree at O'Neils. Thank you for giving so much to the community...

  4. Congrats for five years of celebrating the City by the Black, and surrounding environs.

    How about an entry on Eppy's?

    Stay frosty, Dan!

  5. Thanks, Alan! It was frosty as recent as Saturday when we got what we hope was the last snowfall! It's in the 60s today! And thank you for the comments! I'll see what I can do with Eppy's!

  6. Dan..Ireally enjoy reading your articles.a lot of good memories in them. hope you're still doing the "Brady Bunch for many years ahead.

  7. Thanks, Bill! That's my intention!

  8. Keep up the great work, Dan. It's a pleasure to read!

  9. Happy anniversary! Your blog does fill a need, and things just wouldn't be the same without it. Thanks for all the great posts, not to mention all the things you have helped me with directly.

  10. Gosh, thanks for all the nice comments, everyone – I really appreciate it! I feel invigorated to go another 5 years!

  11. I appreciate this blog. I am a "youngster" and was not around for most of the things that are posted on here, but I love learning about the history of my surroundings. I love the nostalgic adds and seeing pictures of buildings long forgotten. My grandparents and parents lived in Lorain their whole lives and now so do my wife an I. I appreciate all that you do (from a daily reader).

  12. Thanks, Michael! I'm really glad you enjoy it! Sometimes I worry that the blog would only appeal to people who remember this stuff, it's great to know that younger folks enjoy learning about the area! It's still a wonderful area to live in with a lot of interesting history.

  13. Congratulations Dan on your five year anniversary! Your blog has filled a need for countless people including myself. Thank you for your interesting and educational stories you have so researched so well before sharing with us. We are the lucky ones!

  14. Thanks, Linda Jean! I appreciate the kind words!
