Friday, December 20, 2013

The Early Days of Mary Lee Tucker Part 3

Just as it does today, the 1926 Mary Lee Tucker campaign played out very effectively in the pages of The Lorain Journal. Each day added another poignant story and a heartfelt appeal to the community for help.

I've compiled each of the articles and present them below. Click on each for a large, readable version.

The first gifts arrived on December 4 as the front page article from that day explained (below).

Two days later in the Dec. 6 newspaper, a benefit ball to be held at the Moose Coliseum was announced (below).
Two days later in the Dec. 8 Journal, one of the families to be "adopted" was profiled (below).

On December 9, Mary Lee Tucker was visited at her office by a woman whose family had been helped by the charity during the campaign the previous year (below).
On December 10, an "adopted" family was profiled (below).
On December 11, another "adopted" family's story was told (below).
On December 13, and ad promoting the gala benefit ball appeared in The Lorain Journal (below).
In the same edition of the newspaper, we finally learned who the name of the orchestra that would perform at the ball: Chauncey Lee and his orchestra, out of Cleveland (below).
On December 14, it was learned that also to be featured at the ball were two talented sisters from Elyria – Doris and Thelma Streicker – who were making a name for themselves through their dancing (below).
Meanwhile, the December 15 edition revealed that a host of local talent were to perform at the county home (below).
Next: I wrap up this look at the 1926 Mary Lee Tucker campaign.

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