Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Miss Victory – Everything Old is New Again

Last week – in case you missed it – there was a nice article in the Morning Journal (here) written by Richard Payerchin about the newly refurbished Miss Victory statue at the park at West Erie Avenue and W. Fifth Street.

Thanks to Ed Ferraro, owner of Buckeye Sheet Metal, Miss Victory once again holds her sword and palm frond – hopefully for a long, long time. Mr. Ferraro did an incredible job of recreating the palm frond using old photos.

Here's a side-by-side comparison (below). On the left is a vintage photo from the archives of the Black River Historical Society, and on the right is the statue as it looks today.

Seeing the statue looking like it did when it was first unveiled to honor Lorain's sons who served in World War I really makes a Lorainite proud.

Stop by and pay the old gal a visit.

Special thanks to Richard Payerchin, who was kind enough to mention my blog as one of the sources of the historical information used in his Morning Journal article.


  1. Thanks, Drew! Hey, you're starring in today's post!

  2. I love that first shot I am probably going to steal it :) of course with credit it just shouts patriotism :)arkensp

  3. Glad you like it, Loraine! (Good thing you didn't see the 50 bad shots where the sword extended over the flagpole, the palm frond completely obscured Miss Victory's face, or the flag was either bunched up or dragging on her head!)

  4. Great post and photos! She was due for a dress-up!
