Monday, October 14, 2013

Grand Opening of Remodeled Polansky's Market – July 25, 1962

July 25, 1962 Journal photo and caption
This weekend (like most) I made my usual stop on Saturday out at Polansky's Market on Dewey Road. (This time my prime meat objective was a nice pot roast, which of course was fantastic when the spouse cooked it up on Sunday.)

My visit to Polansky's also gave me an opportunity to chit chat with the fine folks who work there about the store. They told me that the building fronting on Dewey Road was the original store before they moved operations to the building in the rear.

Which brings me to the short article about Polansky's that I'm serving up today on the blog.

It's about the grand opening of the remodeled store, and appeared in the Journal on July 25, 1962. It has a nice history of the business too.

Polansky's Market Sets Grand Opening

AMHERST – Twenty-two years in the meat business will culminate in a grand opening Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Steve Polansky, owners of Polansky's Market, 6703 Dewey Rd.

The opening marks the finale of four months of remodeling at the market costing approximately $65,000. The addition, a 24-by-90-foot air-conditioned room, contains new meat counters, service counters and self-service refrigerated counters for "Polansky-packed" foods which includes the couple's  "specialty items."

Mrs. Polansky feels that the market is "unique for this particular area."

"We're unique too, I feel," she added, "in that our children have worked with us through the years. We're a family that works together."

Besides Mr. and Mrs. Polansky, the family lists five working members: Stephany, 18; Marilyn, 17; John, 14 and a son-in-law, Robert Masovich. "Even our youngest, Stephen, 9, is learning to help with the wiener making and other little jobs." Mrs. Polansky said.

Mr. and Mrs. Polansky began in the meat business in Lorain in 1940, moved to a store in Henrietta and then in 1945 moved to Amherst.

The Amherst store is now the only one operated by family. The other two have been sold or leased.

In addition to the market, the couple operate their own slaughterhouse behind the Dewey Rd. store.

And for some more meaty fun, here's a 1968 Lorain phone book ad for Steve Polansky's Market.

1968 phone book ad
If I'm any judge of meat, I'd say that's a rolled (if you'll pardon the expression) rump roast that the woman in the ad is admiring!

1 comment:

  1. I remember going out to the original store with my uncle when I was little, and seeing the slaughterhouse. Polansky's always had the best meat.
