Thursday, October 3, 2013

FirstEnergy Demo Update

This was the view (above) last weekend at the intersection of W. Erie and Oberlin Avenue, where First Energy has been in the process of dismantling the old electrical substation.

The real action has been down by the river, though, where the steel lattice towers that carried electrical lines along the riverfront are being removed. (If you're an out-of-towner reading this, you can read the story by Richard Payerchin here on the Morning Journal's website. It's great news for the city, and pretty exciting.)

Hard to believe that the above scene looked like this (below) back in May 2010. Who would have believed that such a transformation could take place in only a few years?

1 comment:

  1. I knew it well. I worked at the Edgewater Power Plant for 31 years, up to the day it was closed.
