Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vermilion NYC Train Station – Then & Now

Over the weekend I headed out to Huron on Route 6 to get some of that dee-lishus Hahn's Sweet Corn, and that took me through Vermilion.

Then I remembered that I had this small clipping and photo (above) about Vermilion's old New York Central train station (which appeared in The Journal on March 19, 1973), so I made a quick detour south on Route 60 to grab a "now" shot.

The surroundings of the old station looked so different that I thought perhaps it had been moved at some point. But a quick email to local historian Rich Tarrant, who serves up Vermilion history and nostalgia in regularly scheduled "issues" on his popular website Vermilion Views confirmed that it was the same station in the same spot. Apparently the building still serves as St. Mary's Church Meeting Hall.


By the way, if you're a fan of the old New York Central Railroad, you can join the New York Central System Historical Society, a fine organization dedicated to preserving the New York Central's history and legacy. The organization publishes regular issues of its own magazine (at left) and a calendar as well.
How did I find out about the NYCSHS? 
Well, the company I work for is lucky enough to do the artwork for their magazine and print it for them as well. John, the fellow I work with, does a great job of designing each issue.

To visit the New York Central System Historical Society website, click here.

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