Friday, August 23, 2013

Super's Sohio Grand Opening Ad – Aug. 17, 1956

Here's yet another Grand Opening ad for a business on Oberlin Avenue dating back from the early days of the development and growth of the west side of Lorain. This ad ran on August 17, 1956 in the Lorain Journal and announced the opening of Super's Sohio Service, which was located on the northwest corner of Meister Road and Oberlin Avenue.

Like all 1950s Lorain service station Grand Openings, this one featured free tumblers too!

The date of this ad is of particular interest to me, because I'm still trying to locate information about the old Neuman farmhouse (at left) that was moved a few hundred feet to make way for this service station. At least I know the service station was there by summer of 1956 – so the house was moved before then.

Before the service station opened, the Neuman family had already moved to a brick house further down Meister to the west. Unfortunately, I have been unable so far to find a newspaper article or photo of the old farmhouse being moved.

I wrote about all this about a year ago (here). Since then, I have looked through several years of mid-1950s newspaper microfilm trying to find something – to no avail.

So once again, if any of you have any ideas about all this, please be sure to post a comment!

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