Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Niagara Falls Then & Now: Cadillac Motel

Vintage postcard of the Cadillac Motel in Niagara Falls, Canada
I've never stayed at the Cadillac Motel in Niagara Falls, Canada, but we've passed it many times on the way to our favorite restaurant, Swiss Chalet. I love the stylized motel sign that is only vaguely suggestive of the real Cadillac logo.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a very interesting sky on the day that I was out shooting. Plus, the motel is on a busy street and it was a real challenge to get a shot without a vehicle or a pedestrian in the middle of the photo.

It doesn't look like too much about the motel has changed, except for the monstrous shrubs and the addition of a new old-time street light. It also looks like the neon sign might be out of commission, judging by the spotlights mounted above it.

Many of the online reviews about the Cadillac Motel describe it as a real retro experience. To visit its website, click here.

1 comment:

  1. These are all great pictures and memories of Niagara!
